Purchase Carbon Unit
For businesses and individuals seeking to offset their unavoidable emissions, we offer access to verified carbon credits from high-quality carbon reduction projects. These projects, certified under highly-recognised international standards and Skema Sertifikasi Pengurangan Emisi Indonesia (SPEI), provide an opportunity to neutralize your carbon footprint while contributing to meaningful environmental and social impacts. Our credits are sourced from verified initiatives that deliver genuine climate benefits which reduce and remove emissions, enhancing biodiversity, and supporting community development.
By adhering to national and international standards, such as ISO 14065:2020, ISO 14066:2023 and ISO/IEC 17029:2019 for impartial conformity assessments, we ensure that your carbon unit purchases are both transparent and traceable Whether you are working towards carbon neutrality or strengthening your corporate social responsibility efforts, our streamlined approach ensures that you invest in impactful projects with measurable outcomes. We provide full support in selecting projects that align with your values and sustainability goals, ensuring that your carbon unit purchases contribute to tangible, long-lasting benefits for both the environment and communities.
Community Forest
Community forestry is proven to reduce deforestation (Santika et. al., 2017), contribute to livelihood (Santika et. al., 2019), and ensure implementable monitoring and evaluation tools (Meijard et. al., 2020), through stakeholder participation and network (Friedman et. al., 2022).
Offsetting your emissions to community forest will not just benefiting the climate, but also community livelihood and conservation of nature.
Offsetting emissions to a concession area refers to a specific type of offsetting, where emissions are compensated by investing in projects that aim to reduce emissions or increase carbon sequestration in an area that has been designated as a conservation concession. Conservation concessions are areas of land or sea that are managed for the purpose of conserving biodiversity, protecting ecosystems, and promoting sustainable use of natural resources.
By investing in these areas, it is possible to both reduce emissions and support conservation efforts. Offsetting emissions to a concession area can be an effective way to address emissions that are difficult or costly to reduce at the source, such as emissions from energy production or transportation.
Additionally, by supporting conservation efforts, offsetting emissions to a concession area can help to preserve biodiversity and protect important ecosystems, which are often threatened by human activities. The quality of offset projects and the methodologies used to calculate and verify emissions reductions can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of emission offsetting.
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